Frequently Asked Questions

- Are you a certified nutritional therapist?
Yes, I am. I've graduated at CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine) and I'm a member of BANT (British Association of Nutritional Therapists) and CNHC (Complementary and Natural Health Council)

- How long is it going to take before I feel better?
Everyone is different in body, mind and spirit. 
One of my main values is ‘one size doesn’t fit all’. It is not uncommon to see that after a few days of implementing some changes in your diet you’ll feel more energetic and positive about yourself (depending on the severity of the condition). In most cases, it takes commitment and will to get better to start seeing a change


- Is it going to work?
If you’re willing to commit to change, yes it will work. However, this journey has to be done together and might take time.
I takes a long time for the body to develop a condition or a disease, please allow some time for it to recover.
I’ll provide you with the tools however, it's up to you put actions in place!

- What will I have to avoid?
Everyone is different. I will assess your needs and make a tailored made plan taking into account likes and dislikes.


- Can I still eat chocolate?
Yes, of course, it’s part of my program! I’ll give you a few healthy options too!


- What happens if I’m too busy to follow the recommendations through?
I’m encouraging you to do your best. I understand, at times, life takes over and it might get hard to follow recommendations to the letter. Do you best. If you fall, get up and start again, nobody is perfect. I will be on the other side of the phone/email to offer you different suggestions and advice.


- Will I be judged?
Absolutely not. My motivation is not coming from putting myself on a pedestal and pass judgment but to support you in your journey to better health

- Can you recommend me the best supplements?
I have been working in the supplements industry for 5 years and have extensive knowledge of quality and effectiveness


- Are you a certified Biomagnetic pair and Bioenergetic therapist?
I’m a certified practitioner from the ISAAC GOIZ DURAN Institute.I’ve fully trained in San Francisco, London and Mexico City.


- Is there any risk involved in the Biomagnetic pair therapy?
No there isn’t. Biomagnetic pair therapy is a non-invasive, integrative technique that facilitates the internal balance of the body. It can be used for prevention, therapy or rehabilitation of a disease without altering prescriptions of medical interventions.


- How does the Biomagnetic Pair work?
BMP is based on the fact that magnets can generate magnetism.
This promotes the body electricity and biochemistry of the organism to aim to homeostasis (organism balance)
The magnets support stability of the bioelectrical system of the body, promoting an internal balance and supporting the body to restore its health.


- What are the benefits promoted by Biomagnetic Pair Therapy?
- Improved energy levels
- Improved sleep
- Modulation of the immune system
- Detoxification (heavy metals, medications, EMF)
- Support the body while dealing with stress
- Support the body in decreasing pain, inflammation, swelling etc
- May ease side effects of conventional therapeutics
- May decrease recovery time
- May help overcome anxiety or emotional blockages


- Are there any contraindications for the Biomagnetic Pair Therapy?
Yes, there are:
- Women undergoing fertility treatment
- Anyone with a pacemaker implant
- Pregnancy
- Anyone undergoing radiotherapy or Chemotherapy 
- Are there any contraindications for Bioenergetics or Telebioenergetics?
- No there aren't - Although it's my personal choice not to treat pregnant women and anyone undergoing chemotherapy
- Can you treat pets?
- Yes I can and I love it! As an animal lover I welcome any furry clients.
- Treatment will be performed using a 'surrogate' without causing any distressed to your beloved friend.