Digestive Wellness 

Digestive issues are ever so common.

​A person in distress will try, experiment, look for solutions on the net, often with no luck. The internet can be a very useful tool but nothing beats experience.

The root cause of a condition may not be what we think it is.

What it takes, it's a positive outlook, a real desire to feel better and guidance. 

The digestive wellness package I propose includes:

  1. An introductory free chat to see if and how I can help you.
    This is essential for me to understand your needs and how I can help
  2. An initial consultation of approx 90 minutes, after which you'll receive a personalised nutritional and lifestyle advice (FOOD INTOLERANCES and DEFICIENCIES ASSESSED with Biomagnetic Pair Therapy BMP)
  3.  A weekly skype/zoom/WhatsApp support call for 2 consecutive months or when 'necessary'. Timing can be decided together accordingly to your needs.
  4. A follow-up session within 2-3 months from the first one.
    During the follow up we will discuss your progress, make adjustments to the diet where necessary (i.e. reintroducing some foods previously eliminated), address eventual challenges you might have encountered and discuss how to move forward.

    **Please note that some lab tests might be needed.