Candida Overgrowth 

We all have Candida as we need it for our system to feed some bacteria.

Candida yeast normally lives on the skin and mucous membrane in small amount without causing any problem as it’s part of our normal flora.

So what is the big deal? Why is it affecting so many people?

The problem occurs when it starts to overgrow causing symptoms. It can break down the wall of the intestine and go into the bloodstream releasing toxins and causing gut issues and candidiasis.

Types of Candidiasis:

Vaginal yeast Infection

Thrush (i.e. oral)

Systemic/invasive Candidiasis that can affect the blood, heart, brain, eyes, bones, and other parts of the body.

Many factors may influence the development of Candidiasis:

Medical (like antibiotics, steroids etc)

Long term use of the contraceptive pill



High stress

Chemicals exposure

Heavy metal toxicity

Sexually transmitted

When we work together the first step would be for you to get tested for Candida (if you haven’t done it already) to confirm you have it.

There are many ways to approach a systemic condition and every single step I’ll take with you it’s based on my experience and on your health status and predisposition.

In general, supporting the immune system, restore healthy digestive functions and address the diet are a must.

Many people go on a strict diet and attempt to ‘kill the beast’ without taking care of systemic reactions or toxins release and this is where they make a mistake and might end up feeling even worse than before.

As a naturopathic nutritional therapist, I will take into account different circumstances and the body as a whole, considering side and die off effects that might arise.

***The information in this page is NOT intended as medical advice**