Dāsi (15)

Digestive Wellness 

Digestive issues are ever so common. ​A person in distress will try, experiment, look for solutions on the net, often with no luck. The internet can be a very useful tool but nothing beats experience. The root cause of a condition may not be what…

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The Follow-up

The follow up (60 minutes) is normally 6-8 weeks after the first consultation. I will assess with muscle testing whether you would benefit from an earlier appointment or a later one. This is the time to will discuss your progress, any challenge you may experienced, and…

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My Services

The Initial Consultation The Follow up Biomagnetic Pair Therapy Gut Health The Comprehensive Zoom Consultation

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High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension kills thousands of people every year, and it contributes to many deaths from various causes, including aneurysms, heart attacks, heart failures, kidney failures, and strokes. How do we get to this point of no return? Several factors may influence cardiovascular health and blood pressure:…

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