About Dāsi



I have always looked for solutions outside the box. As we all are unique individuals, no solution fits all.

I grew up in a region called Emilia Romagna in Italy, a land of exquisite cuisine and excellent quality products such as parmesan, Parma ham, tortellini, mortadella, homemade pasta etc. 

As good as this may sound, it was also the land of people fixated on their looks and image. At that time, not being perfectly shaped was really hard. A kind of cardinal sin!

At 16, I started random dieting, like most people at that age, without knowing what I was doing. That got me into trouble. I messed up my metabolism.

After a few dieting disasters, my hips started growing exponentially, and I didn’t know how to stop them! A feeling of inadequacy devoured me.

When I finally settled in the UK, and only then, I started feeling ‘free’ and decided to focus more on my spiritual and emotional growth. 

Emotionally I grew stronger, but my body weight was still a struggle ... and I thought I was being healthy!

That was it. I had to take responsibility and change substantially.

With time and commitment, my weight got stable. I kept reading and learning about health and nutrition. On many occasions, I became a reference point for friends and family. I experimented, tried and tested dietary regimes and different forms of exercise. 

While my nutritional knowledge was growing, I was helping friends and family with tips and tricks I had mastered during my journey.

And so it started.

My spiritual journey.

India was a blessing, I became familiar with Ayurvedic medicine (traditional Indian medicine) and other different techniques for reducing stress, increasing self awareness and improving mindfulness.

Unfortunately, all of this came with a price, a few ‘food poisonings’ led me to severe IBS symptoms and later on to chronic fatigue that lasted for over 3 years. Despite the struggle, during this time, I trained as a Nutritional Therapist with excellent academic achievements. Following changes of lifestyle and some selected supplements I worked out how to help myself…..and, in clinical practice, others!

As a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist, my aim is now to support others in the journey to better health at 360 degrees using a science based method, experience and other techniques such as Biomagnetic pair and Bioenergetics.

I have worked extensively as a Nutritionist in the most prestigious pharmacy in central London and in my own practice helping numerous people with a wide variety of conditions. I've also received extensive training on supplements and their benefits.

If you’re ready to make positive changes around your health and get the life you desire, I’ll be very pleased to get to know you and find out all about it and how you feel.

I’m based in London, however I also practice in Italy and online.